Hands to work

Under the guidance of the 21st Century Future Citizens Training Program, we aim to cultivate future leaders with a global perspective through the comprehensive development of qualities, including academic achievement, emotional intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, and leadership, by emphasizing collaboration within multicultural settings.

Empathy, as one of the key directions of cultivation, is crucial for students' personal development and social adaptation. By fostering empathy, students can maintain understanding and inclusiveness in the face of challenges, promote mental health, and become active promoters of social progress.

Empathy is one of the most important cultivation goals at our school. Through the "Hands to Work" charity project, students not only experience unique project experiences but are also inspired in practice to enhance their abilities and passions, leading them to reevaluate the meaning of "changing the world." This project allows students to learn how to quickly establish deep connections with others while serving them, fostering a strong sense of social responsibility.

In the "Hands to Work" project, students will have the opportunity to engage in various social service activities, whether it's helping vulnerable groups, participating in environmental protection, or promoting community development. Each participation is a touch to the soul and a deep understanding of society.

We hope that through such education and practice, students will become future leaders with empathy, a sense of responsibility, and initiative. They will use their strength to connect the isolated islands in their hearts into a continent of love, collectively creating a more harmonious and beautiful world.